I also broke the bagel embargo of 2010, and it was totally worth it.
A few weeks ago when I was having some vague organizational thoughts re: this blog, it occurred to me that I’d been tending to post food-y, recipe-ish stuff on Tuesdays. Brilliant! thought I. Tuesday will be Eat Here Feel Good Day on kitchendoor, and I will be well on my way to running the kind of immaculately designed, pristinely executed blog where all the days are themed and awesome and you don’t rattle on about the new Gaga song (ALEJANDRO, oh my God) in the middle of talking about the cobbler you made last night.
Of course, today is Tuesday, and I have done absolutely no cooking in the last week save the grilled cheese I made for Jackie on Saturday afternoon (which she did pronounce excellent, probably because I used about half a brick of cheddar). So, no recipes today. I did, however, do some serious eating while I was in New York, including a most delicious tomato-mozzarella-pesto number from Cafe Lalo (yes! That Cafe Lalo, of You’ve Got Mail fame. I nearly died of glee) and a caramelized apple/brie/bacon omelette from Deluxe that was made even more delightful by the fact that I ate it while smashed into a corner booth with three most excellent brunch companions and a giant mug of coffee. Topics covered: where we are going to find a rich old lady to finance our farm, Gerard Butler: zero or hero?, the fact that I am going to have to break down and read something by (groan) David Foster Wallace. But mostly we stuffed our faces.
In other food news, I’d like to try and feed both my boyfriend and myself something more than tuna from a can at some point this week, which considering what my datebook is looking like is probably impossible, but what can I say, sometimes a guy just wants the impossible (You’ve Got Mail quote!! See what I did there?). Am thinking about grilling, Barefoot in Paris, experimenting with the bread book I got for Christmas, and something special for Lost tonight.
Tell me what you’re eating.
March 30, 2010 @ 8:09 pm
I’m eating cereal.
Glamorous, I know.
March 31, 2010 @ 4:04 pm
Gerard Butler: zero.
Dinner tonight: all I can think about these days is hibachi chicken and fried rice. But I have no groceries and even less energy. So probably peanut butter and crackers.
Yesterday I had a divine wrap with turkey and feta and shredded red apples and honey mustard.