Airport Reading
The Dive From Clausen’s Pier is actually a pretty good book so far in an “oh hey that just made my commute go by really fast” kind of way, if you can ignore the fact that it was made into a Lifetime movie starring Mona from The Adventures of Pete and Pete. However, I just got to page 159 and have been totally and completely hung up, as if I was a ten-year-old-boy, by the use of the word buttock.
Like, singular.
Actually, the exact phrase she uses is “each hand was full of buttock,” and I’m sorry, but SERIOUSLY WHY DOESN’T LIFETIME WANT TO BUY THE RIGHTS TO MY NOVEL, I WOULD NEVER SAY SOMETHING SO GROSS.
Man, the level of discourse on this blog has really plummeted, huh? Remember when I used to talk about, like, all that baking I did?
I’m going on vacation tomorrow. I’m going to try to think of intelligent, genteel topics for us to explore together upon my return. Don’t fill your hands with anyone’s buttock while I’m gone.
August 10, 2010 @ 11:42 pm
The thing about that book is that, to me, anyway, it was forgettable. As in, I bought it on two separate occasions because I didn’t remember having read it. I’m sure that says something about the flap copy being at least somewhat intriguing, but the work as a whole didn’t stick. Also, buttock is a terrible word.
August 11, 2010 @ 2:18 pm
I love that book, but I hate the movie. It came out my senior year in college, and we all got together for what was in essence a viewing party, but then, once it was evident that it was terrible, we just ate snacks and made fun of Mona instead.
In addition, I remember reading that book because I worked in a bookstore and got an advanced copy. And thought I was so sweet. 🙂
August 11, 2010 @ 5:30 pm
barf. why would anyone’s hands be full of that? just move your hands.
August 13, 2010 @ 10:04 pm
1. The phrase buttock is gross. Ew. But I think I may have to go look for The Dive from Clausen’s Pier anyway, because I am in desperate need of a book that wasn’t written by my boss about the human brain, and because, honestly, books that are made into lifetime movies sometimes make excellent summer reading. (Yes, I admitted it. I feel that my i.q. just dropped fifteen points.)
2. Yes. We should do coffee sometime! I was just thinking about how weird it is that I read these boston blogs, and we’re in the same city, and I haven’t met anyone in person, and you and Kitchen Door were on the top of my list. Thus, if you are a creeper, then I am too.