Anatomy of a (Rainy) Day Off
I try not to think of these as days off, really. More of days for Getting Things Done.
I set the alarm.
I put real clothes one.
I eat a fibrous breakfast.
And all that.
Today Brought:
Coffee and agent-scouting with Tom at Borders
Some digital camera research (I’m going to pull the trigger this week, honest. I’m stalling)
A nineteen dollar savings at Stop and Shop (I love double coupons)
Turkey sandwiches and potato salad for lunch
Five query letters, done
A guilty, giddy obsession with this song
Some correspondence to catch up on (Do you have cousins? If you do, you should write to them. Preferably in purple pen.)
The cable bill (and my Visa, which was mercifully low this month) paid
And a laid-back dinner with Tom.
Two of America’s very favorite pastimes (Yankees/Red Sox and Idol’s Final Four)
and some beers with two of my very favorite boys.
May 6, 2009 @ 1:38 pm
Outside of Boston, right?
I am looking for a digital camera too…have been using Alex’s Sony Cybershot and am ready for a step up. But not the mega camera. Any suggestions? (Nikon, Canon, Sony….so confusing)…
Love those rainy days…