Battle With the Heart


We hit a couple of speed bumps around here earlier this week–an infected nose ring (GROSS RIGHT? I KNOW), a domestic disturbance that was probably more than half my fault, the sudden and unwelcome ubiquity of Jay Leno’s chin on my television. I think we’re just tired, is all, and the weather is doing that weird thing where it’s not a season, and things are just generally out of sorts. 

No matter. We are PLOWING AHEAD. I’m trying to adopt Kal’s Bulletproof Positive Attitude as my own: I baked some maple oatmeal cookies last night to help shoo fall in through the door, and I’ve been burning my Ember candle nonstop. We had turkey melts and potato soup for dinner. Glee continues to delight my freaking face off. I’m coming off a super awesome writing collaboration with my good buddy A, and there is one more story in the pipeline before I settle into some editing. Things are fine. Better than fine, in fact. We are back on track.  

Also, you guys! Kelly has a blog, and it is amazing! I never knew! You should all check it out. Things to know about Kelly: she is great, and the very first time I met her I smacked her on the butt by mistake thinking she was my friend Jennie. Luckily she didn’t smack me back.

How are you all? Tell me how you’re hanging in.