Carrot Top

I made Martha’s Curried Carrot Soup the other night while I watched Glee (which, oh goodness, Rachel and Puck, right? Did that give anyone else Feelings? It gave me a lot of Feelings), which turned out to be completely tasty if not entirely Tom-friendly. But Tom’s not here, so I can eat all the yuppie soup I want. 


wooo blurry dinner!

wooo blurry dinner!



Anyway, funny story: when we moved out of the last apartment we somehow left the top of the blender, and even though we have been here a year and our old roommates still live in the old place and we literally only moved two blocks away, we still haven’t gotten it back. I forget all about it until I need to blend something, at which point I swear and yell “DID YOU EVER REMEMBER TO ASK QUACK ABOUT THE BLENDER?” and usually just stick a plate on top of there and cross my fingers. Plate Trick works surprisingly well, usually.

Plate Trick did not work with Martha’s Curried Carrot Soup.

I was cleaning orange goop off the counter–and the toaster, and the walls–until way after Mr. Shu got Slurpeed. Yeah. I knew how he felt.