Five Good Things: Apple Pie Edition


1. Writing prompts! I love when you have no idea you want to write about something and then somebody suggests it and all of a sudden you really, really do. 

2. Brunch at Sofra with the always-hilarious Summer Picnic, former college employer and longtime writing buddy. Mmm coffee. 

3. Fiber One bars in Oats and Chocolate flavor. These are way yummier and less fake-tasting than Special K or All Bran bars, and BOY HOWDY THEY ARE FIBROUS. A big thanks to my little sister J for introducing me to both these AND Skinny Cows. 

4. Mid-day ponytails and the Five O’Clock Pants Rule (whereby you put elastic pants on the minute the workday is over, courtesy of Jennie circa 2005).

5. This video. Have I talked about this here yet? It’s my favorite, favorite thing. I dare you not to snort your coffee.
