Five Good Things: Barn Jacket Edition


1. Fall TV starting to come back. I wish I could be one of those  respectable literary-type people who is like, “I prefer reading Proust by candlelight to watching brain-rotting cable programming,” but you know what? My boyfriend works nights, candlelight hurts my eyes, and I freaking love television so much I would marry it if I could. So there. On the docket this fall: Glee, Bones, and The Office, for starters. Not to mention my fevered, glassy-eyed plow through Seasons 4 and 5 of Lost. I’m onto you, Juliet Burke. Don’t think I’m not. 

2. I got home from work on Wednesday night, and Tom had already made dinner. And a salad. And garlic bread. And he bought a bottle of pinot noir. I am not kidding you when I say it was better than Christmas and my birthday combined. Thanks Tom. You are a catch. 

3.  Ingrid Michaelson at the Paradise tonight! I know very, very little of her music, but I have never seen a bad show at this venue, so word. Plus I think there might be burritos involved.

4. Signing up for a winter CSA share, thus stretching the veg haul out through December (though I feel like we’ll probably be eating a terrifying amount of squash). Anybody out there know how to cook a whole pumpkin?

5. “Now is the season for action.” Heck yeah it is. Let’s move.