Five Good Things: “Basically Anything That is Awesome” Edition
Oh hello, Friday!
So…2010 is amazing so far? Seriously, it’s off to such a bitchin’ start I’m almost afraid to talk about it. But I’m gonna anyway.
001. You GUYS, I tricked another magazine into publishing my fiction. Looks like you’ll be able to find me in the January 2010 issue of The Broadkill Review. The story’s about a bakery and SECRET LOVE, which if you have ever met me (and probably even if you haven’t) you know are basically my two favorite things in all the world. I’m just saying, it’s nice to be able to share those passions with the population at large.
002. Speaking of writer-type stuff, my awesome former roommate Rebecca has super-graciously asked me to be a part of the 2010 Writer’s Challenge, a blog that encourages (wait for it) either 10 or 20 (or 20 or 10) minutes of honest-to-goodness creative output every day this year. Stop by each morning for a different writing prompt to get you started. And, you know. Tell your friends.
003. I made chili last night, and OH MY GOODNESS it was the best thing I’ve eaten since I got back to Boston. I can’t even take any real credit for it, since my chili recipe is as follows: 1) chop onion and peppers 2) open various cans and jars 3) dump everything into dutch oven and cook. BUT STILL. Tom and I were happy puppies.
004. My hair is a really good length right now. I’m sorry but it is. I think I’ve got another few weeks before I start looking like I should be on The Jersey Shore, and in the meantime I am living it up.
005. I posted awhile back about Micaela and her awesome Pay It Forward challenge, and I am totally delighted to report that I got my package in the mail earlier this week. IT WAS SO GREAT. Among the bounty: a delicious-smelling candle + a coffee mug + the sweetest little clutch purse you ever saw. I nearly swooned. Thank you so much, M, and congratulations on your engagement! You are a star.
OKAY. I’m off to do work and eat leftovers and smile at everyone I see. Happy weekend, doves.
January 8, 2010 @ 4:02 pm
Congrats on the publication! That is so, so exciting (and awesome. So, so awesome.)
I’ve had a hankering to make chili lately. Maybe this weekend will be the time to actually do it.
January 8, 2010 @ 7:20 pm
also, congratulations, that’s so exciting 🙂
January 8, 2010 @ 8:20 pm
Girl, you are going places. Good work!
January 9, 2010 @ 10:33 pm
CHEERS to your publication!!!! so exciting 🙂 2010, we love you so far!
blushing about making your #5! awww makes me smile! thank-YOU for your sweet well wishes and for enjoying my PIF. I had so much fun putting it together for you love!
xoxo it’s good to be your friend!
January 11, 2010 @ 3:07 am
It’s about time someone recognized the value of fictitious bakeries and secret love. Congrats!! This should be the point where magazines and journals start calling you, demanding stories. But I still get to read them first. : )
January 11, 2010 @ 5:32 am
Found your blog via Micaela. It’s great! Congrats on being published. That’s a really great achievement.
January 11, 2010 @ 9:12 am
You’ve totally put me in the mood…must make chili this week!