Five Good Things: Heart of the Ocean Edition
1. Last night H&J came over for bolognese and birthday cake and we watched The Bodyguard, a sorely underrated modern classic complete with faux-Egyptian headgear, Kevin Costner at his youngest and hunkiest (I think it’s a shame that the word hunk has fallen out of colloquial favor, though I suspect it’s because they just don’t make hunks like Kevin Costner anymore) and the implied cutting off of Whitney Houston’s lacy underthings with a Samurai sword. Happy birthday, H! And I will always love you.
2. Now that the desk is happily ensconced in the bedroom, I’ve got my eye on a brand-new bed (and a new reason to sock all my babysitting cash away under the mattress). Tom says: “That doesn’t look a little…colonial to you?” I am confident he’ll come around.
3. There is Serious Writing Business happening around here. There are dollars involved. And romances. And a new playlist entitled “The Greatest Love of All” to serenade me sweetly while I come up with viable synonyms for “luminescent”.
4. Rachel comes tonight! We’re going to drink fancy beer and see the Facebook movie and check out the Nicholas Nixon exhibit at the MFA. True fact about Rachel: one time she was in Florence for my birthday so she sent me a glittery cardboard crown in the mail. That is the kind of friend she is and I am lucky to have her.
5. I had a gift card to LLBean so I ordered myself some wicked good slippers and they are not lying when they say they are wicked good. For the first time since the beginning of September, my feet were not colder than a dead person’s when I climbed into bed. And if that is not something to celebrate, I just do not know what is.
November 5, 2010 @ 5:42 pm
I saw The Bodyguard in the theatre, and I’m actually a little embarrassed by that, but less so when I read your description. However, I feel it important to assert here that Kevin Costner is at his hunkiest in Bull Durham. That movie might be personally (can you use that adverb about movies?) responsible for fully activating my hormones. Just sayin’.
I’m excited about the Serious Writing Business. A lot. And slippers are lovely. I have to leave mine off today because I’m painting the bathroom, and my feet are not happy.
November 5, 2010 @ 7:22 pm
“I think it’s a shame that the word hunk has fallen out of colloquial favor…” That is going to be a fb quote fo sho.
I want those wicked good slippers and I can’t wait to see the products of this Serious Writing Business.
November 5, 2010 @ 7:55 pm
Hey! Nick Nixon’s daughter was in my class in elementary school. He came in once a week and read to us from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. He took the book jacket off because he thought they were a pain in the butt, but he liked the picture on the cover so he cut it out and used it as a bookmark.
It’s funny the things that you remember, no?
Anyway, enjoy your wicked slippers, and the facebook movie. And the exhibit. I’ve always liked his photographs.