Five Good Things: Lazy Weekend Edition
1. A low-key couple of days filled with new-camera-experimenting, afternoon walks to the beach, beer and giggles with two of Tom’s hilarious aunts, and finishing up the last of the CSA veg.
2. A giant summer reading list (I’m starting with the Pulitzer winners from the last fifteen years, plus A People’s History of the United States–although I might do that one on audio, because Matt Damon is the one who reads it. Also, I hear our president wrote a book or two).
3. The first season of Lost on DVD. I might never go to bed. No seriously.
4. Finally getting around to making covers for the godawful pillows that came with our couch–and remembering how nice it is to sew by hand.
5. This Tuesday is date night! I think we might go to Persephone (just a warning: the website plays this wicked obnoxious music. I hate that). I want to wear a dress.
How was everybody’s weekend?
June 15, 2009 @ 5:52 pm
please update your info about yourself, as you are now 24. kthanks.
My weekend was fabulous. More later.