Five Good Things: Skinny Reefs Edition
1. Who’s got two thumbs and sold her first piece of writing this week? THIS GUY. There is an actual website out there that is paying me actual American dollars to put words together. ACTUAL AMERICAN DOLLARS. Details to come, but this…this is the goal. So.
2. Dreams From My Father: completely engaging. Taking Woodstock: intermittently delightful. Bones: oh hey those partners sure do love each other huh?
3. Things that are happening this spring: Philadelphia to see Rachel, a road trip to Bamboozle with Marissa and Sierra, a week at home to see my sister graduate summa cum awesome at Yankee Stadium, Dave Matthews in Hartford as always, an inevitable Lost-related brain melt, three weeks during which I am the only gal in my office, a transcontinental visit from one Jennie Palluzzi, and my twenty-fifth birthday. I…should probably start taking some vitamins.
4. Our mail lady at work is named Karen. She has clear braces and wears a pith helmet in the rain.
5. I ate nachos twice this week. I mean, that’s disgusting, but it’s also pretty fab.
April 9, 2010 @ 11:29 pm
I love that first point. I can just see you saying that, though we’ve never even met. So funny! DO TELL MORE ABOUT IT!
You are a busy woman.
April 10, 2010 @ 2:42 pm
Alex is so distraught over Bones that she is threatening to boycott. I say give it the season and she will come around by the finale. I have to admit, my heart did sink when Bones spurned Booth. Sigh. Do you think it will happen?
April 12, 2010 @ 11:32 am
Firstly: go you! I expect full details as the emerge about this writing gig.
Secondly: Bones. Oh Bones. That is all.