heat’s on
i like that it is cold outside and i have a big cup of coffee
i like that i am going to have my desk by the end of the month and i made a little goal and reached it
i like thinking about what other little goals i could make and reach that way
i like picking stuff out to put on the walls
i like rubbing my icy feet against tom’s in the night
i like the moment when all the laundry is folded and put away
i like watching shows on demand and last night i watched the episode of the office where andy was in a community theater version of “sweeney todd” and i laughed for 20 minutes straight
i like that i am going to go shopping for an hour after work today before i go babysit and buy good cozy pajama pants and maybe some tops
i like being back in boston after a weekend of tromping all over creation in a pair of high heels
i like marissa’s new cat who is named ace and has messed up ears
i like chicken and waffles
i like reading ruth reichl on the train and thinking, i should really go to paris
i like that i know two people who are having babies in 2011 and that neither of them are me
i like that it is almost election day
i like how my dad always messes up the names of celebrities like “carmine diaz” and “lindsay loehman”
i like bowling but only for half an hour
i like opi “lincoln park after dark” nail polish
i like today
tell me what you like.
October 18, 2010 @ 6:08 pm
Lincoln Park After Dark is my favorite nail polish color ever. My toes are that color right now, in fact.
Lately, I really like: braising things, lattes, warmish fall days, and Let the Great World Spin. Oh, and your blog. Duh.
October 18, 2010 @ 7:45 pm
I like you.
And your blog.
And anything you write.
And Club Crawl.
And doggies.
And the names of O.P.I. polishes – pretty much all of them.
And lists of things people like.
October 18, 2010 @ 10:00 pm
I like stumbling into the kitchen in the morning dark and realizing someone has prepped the coffee.
I like all day pjs.
I like getting a good idea.
I like rusted anything.
I like the way my dog’s ears twitch.
I like climbing up the stairs and kissing my 16-year old daughter to wake up.
I like everything autumn.
October 20, 2010 @ 12:36 pm
Go to Paris, before you have a baby, otherwise you’ll put it off for another twenty-five years and then it won’t be the same as when you’re young. Better yet, take Tom and get pregnant IN Paris.
October 20, 2010 @ 1:54 pm
Sorry. probably inappropriate without a smiley face:)
October 21, 2010 @ 2:28 am
i like you.
i like sleepovers in a twin bed on a school night/work night for you.
i like the phrases “that’s fucking AWESOME” and “cuckoo bananas”
i like iced coffees and eggs on the weekend
i like the feeling of marshmallows on my fingers.
i like saying precocious.
i like, also, saying pretentious.
i like bubblegum.