in the dell

When we grow up and have money we are going to start Apple Tush Farms, a for-profit agricultural endeavor in upstate New York with chickens and pigs and goats and maybe horses, except that Sierra has a fear of horses, so maybe not horses. Alpacas, though. For sure with the alpacas. At some point we’ll have to learn to loom.

Marissa is going to make the pies and take them to the market. Jennie will grow all the herbs. Personally I would like to supervise the sexy fieldhands (as its name suggests, Apple Tush is a sexy farm), though I suspect that’s a responsibility that will have to be shared.

We’re considering starting a summer stock and giving classes in sock-monkey construction and Contemporary American Cheesemongering. We’re keeping our options open. I think mostly we just want to sit in rocking chairs and shell peas and talk to one another, fireflies flicking, animals settling down in the barn behind the house.

Plus, you know. The fieldhands.