in the spirit of very expressed judginess
here are some things that really just annoy the crap out of me:
people who wear khaki pants with athletic sneakers
the song “daughters”
when people say “we need to do such and such a thing” when really what they mean is “you need to do such and such a thing”
smug marrieds
how it always smells like weed on the first floor of my building because our downstairs neighbors bake their apartment like it’s a dorm at UC Berkeley in 1968
people who take up more than their fair share of space on public transportation
papercuts that bleed and make you feel individually singled out and persecuted
that’s it! i mean, that is a lie, there are a LOT of other things that really annoy me, but i want to know what yours are instead. so tell.
March 14, 2011 @ 10:47 pm
I’m so with you about being peeved by people who take up more of their fair share on public transportation. I like the older subway cars with the orange seats specifically BECAUSE it’s one butt for one seat.
March 15, 2011 @ 12:03 am
I hate when people say “we really need to…” when they mean me. Like, just say it.
Things that annoy me:
hipsters drinking PBR
people who cross against the walk sign (in LA only, because here everyone except HIPSTERS seem to only cross when they have the walk signal)
when people spell my name wrong when it’s in my email
when people write messages to me like thks 4 ur msg
skinny black jeans/jeggings on men.
March 15, 2011 @ 1:41 am
agree, minus the first floor people, we might be cool together.
March 15, 2011 @ 2:42 pm
Thinking you like your roommates and then them doing something to screw that up.
People who don’t immediately drive forward when traffic moves.
Joe Buck.
When someone is the last to go to bed but doesn’t turn all the house lights off.
Not washing dishes/utensils/pots and pans properly.
March 15, 2011 @ 5:26 pm
“we’re pregnant”
loud appliances when i’m trying to watch tv. What did the judges say about that performance? Who MAKES that infernal dishwasher aaahhh
when friends decide to drop a bad habit you don’t want to drop or pick up a good habit you don’t want to pick up
people who don’t care about food and eat frozen dinners and cereal and popcorn as meals
March 17, 2011 @ 10:29 pm
-16 year olds in Scarsdale who drive mom’s Benz
-stupid Yonkers girls that ask unnecessary questions at precana
-girls who aspire to grow up and be “just like snooki”
-all people between the ages of 12 and 16, especially when I have to stand next to them in
line at the store
-when my DVR doesn’t communicate to me-just tell me you’re getting full and I will make room, but don’t wait till I come home expecting to find my real housewives that could not record. Great now my whole motivation for the day wad for nothing!