Massachusetts Power and Light


What a strange summer this is turning out to be. Days on days on days of rain have kept us inside for the most part, which is a little disheartening a week into July. My herbs are languishing. My legs are pale.  It’s a different kind of season, for sure–lots of reading, tube-watching, scribbling in notebooks. I’m on a quest to read at least a few Pulitzer winners, and The Shipping News just rocked my world. Most days it’s not quite iced-coffee weather, but I like hot just fine. 

Whenever the sun comes out–even if it’s only for a few minutes–I’m out the back door like I’ve been fired from a cannon. Mondays are for grilling: last night we did steak and pork loin, pasta salad with tomato, basil, and fresh mozzarella, veggie kabobs, and magic bars. Tonight will be an indoor night–Abbey and Forrest are coming over to help us eat whatever’s in the CSA–but I’m hoping for a trip to the drive-in before the week is out. Crappy weather or not, I like the easy rhythm of summer, the sense of time wandering on. I’m a flip-flop kind of girl. 


How are you all? Come say hello to me.