Randomness, and Icebox Cake
Have I talked here yet about H&J?
H&J are the people who introduced Tom and me one thousand years ago, when I was a junior in high school rocking the acrylic nails and Tom had a Growing Up Gotti blowout. Good times. ANYWAY, H&J dated back then, and then we got to college and H moved to Florida and J moved to North Carolina and they didn’t date anymore and a bunch of years went by, and then they randomly got back together and now they live literally five blocks from us in Boston, two hundred miles from where all four of us started.
Anyway, the point is that way back when J’s mom used to make ice box cake, which like, I don’t even know what ice box cake IS except that it involves chocolate wafers and whipped cream and, well, an ice box, and I think it is what you eat in heaven if you’ve been really good. Seriously, at 4AM on New Year’s Day 2003 Tom and I stood in front of my refrigerator and devoured pretty much a whole cake like savages or secret eaters, and I am not lying when I say it was a VERY GOOD START to that particular year.
You guys. I had not had an ice box cake in five years, and then yesterday happened, and GROWN UP H & J BROUGHT ONE TO MY HOUSE. I nearly wept for joy. And then I ate a crap ton of it.
Because some things never change.
(P.S. Smitten Kitchen explains it better. Go read their post while I shove my face.)
September 16, 2009 @ 1:42 pm
Bahahaha. You’re my favorite secret eater. That thing looks dang delicious.
October 8, 2009 @ 8:27 pm
Man, I love ice box cake. The problem with it is that it is so easy to eat it all up like a savage, just like you said. It’s just so tasty! And it doesn’t make you full!