Shut Up and Chive*
We got a bunch of chives in the CSA this week–perfect for mixing in with some hummus, or with sour cream on mashed potatoes. It’s still a lot of chives to get through, though, and I was trying to figure out what to do with the rest of them when I remembered this totally delicious goat cheese and herb omelet I had at Gaslight not that long ago. Sadly (SADLY) I didn’t have any goat cheese, or enough eggs for an omelet, but I DID have some cream cheese and really excellent bakery bread. Thus, I give you: egg sandwich with herbed cream cheese on 8-Grain.
If you are Tom, right now you are saying, “KATIE THAT IS DISGUSTING,” but I am not lying when I say to you it was maybe the best egg sandwich I’ve ever made. So different than the normal egg’n American I usually throw in a frying pan, and kind of pretty and sophisticated-feeling to boot. I bet it would be super good with tomatoes, too, but we didn’t get any of those this week. Blight, you know.
ANYWAY. This sandwich is good and if you have random chives lying around you should make it. The end.
* Alternate titles for this post: “Chive-r’s Ed,” “Chive Wire,” “Chive In”. I’M SORRY OKAY.
September 24, 2009 @ 4:07 pm
This looks delicious. I love nothing more than variations on egg sandwiches. My all time favorite was made by a woman in Italy named Nella, and comprised buttered Italian bread, fried egg, mozz cheese and some tomato sauce. I try to make it myself, and it’s good, but never even close to Nella’s. Yum.
September 25, 2009 @ 12:07 am
you’re egg looks beautifully done by the way. it looks fluffy and delicious.