Small Bites
And I’ll Keep Being Me: Did anybody else find the twentysomethings article in the Times condescending and vaguely obnoxious? And also weirdly devoid of input from actual twentysomethings? Hey Robyn Marantz Henig, come chill with me in my apartment that my parents don’t pay for; we’ll drink cheap wine and listen to Vampire Weekend like us emerging adults are wont to do and I will tell you about working a nine to five while trying write the Great American Novel, remember all the things I have already forgotten, and figure out what the hell the rest of my life is going to look like.
I actually have a lot more to say about this–about the weirdnesses specific to this particular generation of twentysomethings, about what happens when you’re groomed your whole life to be school-smart and then school ends, about the pressure to find a cool job in an economy with not a lot of cool jobs because so much has already been handed to you–but whatever, those are first-world white-girl problems, and even I don’t want to hear myself talk about them. The whole thing just made me feel like some kind of misunderstood zoo animal slacker with a trust fund, is all, and frankly I don’t even LIKE Vampire Weekend.
Teachable Moment: I learned a good lesson this week about allowing for the possibility of change in people, including myself. I learned it at a bar with a painting of a naked lady in high-heeled slippers on the wall, which means I am not likely to forget it.
Ina Can You Hear Me: I made spring green risotto for dinner last night! I used brocc instead of asparagus, because there was no asparagus at the store and also because I love me some brocc, and it was so delicious that the first thing I thought about when I woke up this morning were the leftovers. Dear Ina, I’m sorry I haven’t been using Back to Basics as much as it deserves to be used, and I look forward to many happy evenings together this fall.
Warrior One: I finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night. It was very, very violent. Other than that it was nothing at all.
Summer Girls Go: I have lady friends coming tonight! We’re gonna get drunk and play Bananagrams.
August 20, 2010 @ 1:57 pm
Word on the twenty-somethings article (p.s. did you know that the Times also says you all plagiarize because you have no concept of originality? what’s their deal?)….then again, you should take a look at what they were writing about Gen-X before we owned the Internet.
August 20, 2010 @ 2:45 pm
I have to say, the twenty-somethings article made me uncomfortable in a “they are describing me exactly” way. Then again, halfway through I realized I was reading it at work and I should probably do something productive with my time and be less generally immature twenty-something-ish. Maybe I should go back and finish it and I will agree with you.
That risotto looks amazing.
August 21, 2010 @ 2:04 am
i could not read it through, not because of the 20 somethingness of it but the ridiculousness of it. the answer to the questions of why things look the way they do, they are in front of us. and ya’ll in the 20s are sorting through it in a way no one has ever been allowed to. i, for one, am fascinated by how it will all synthesize itself together. this from my sage almost 35 year old ass.
p.s. you rock.