swinging trapezes through circles of flame
You know how sometimes you forget you love a song for years and years and then you hear it somewhere random and all of a sudden you are like HEY THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG, and you want to tell everyone you know about it, except all the people you really want to tell it to are far away?
Anyway. I love this effing song, and they played it at the bar on Saturday night when I went to visit Tom at work on my way home from Davis Square (partly because I think he’s nifty and partly because the lock on our front door has been freezing, and I didn’t want to be stuck outside the apartment by myself at 1:30 in the morning. One thing about Tom is he can always negotiate tricky locks).
Obsessions for the month of January: Idol auditions. Carla Bruni. That raspberry-flavored fiber stuff you put in your water bottle. My smart new kelly green planner. Coffee from the corner store. Northampton with the toy store girls. Short, naked fingernails. Canada. Dinner dates. Facebook. Watching the days get ever-so-incrementally longer.
What up, Monday.
January 11, 2010 @ 7:33 pm
What a great song. I love how long it is, and how great it is the whole time!
January 12, 2010 @ 10:46 am
Sorry. I just know exactly what you’re talking about.
January 12, 2010 @ 3:21 pm
Just when I was ready to resist Idol, I read tonight’s auditions focus on Gillette Stadium. Hello, Boston wannabees. I’m in.