Thursday Random.
* Jennie turned me onto the Spring Cure over at apartmenttherapy, and while I can tell you we are not about to paint all our furniture white and fill the house with soothing river rocks, it’s awfully nice to think about chucking some of the garbage and cleaning up a bit. Feeling inspired, I cycloned through the rooms last night while I waited for Tom to get home and tossed no fewer than six different items, including a winter coat that had seen much better days, two cheapie scarves that looked more like cleaning rags, some sweet but seldom-used dessert plates that are off to a brand new home, and two giant tubs of protein powder that expired in 2008. I…don’t even want to talk about that last thing. I’m lucky they hadn’t gotten up and walked across the room.
* What I would love to know: why, when they spent all that money to redo the Copley T station, they made the doors too heavy for me to open without a) looking like a total spaz or b) help.
* Also! Am looking for some cool graphic posters for my kitchen: three of them, in fact, about 11×18 inches each. Have been trolling etsy and am so far am liking these, these, these, and these, but am not in desperate love with any of them and am open to suggestions. Thoughts? Anybody? Also…somebody tell me how you store your cookbooks.
*Because I know Erin, at least, is watching Lost along with me: Richard Alpert! On a horse! With flowing locks!
* Am back on paperbackswap with a vengeance. Listed 13 books last night. Am more than a little thrilled.
* Finished Mere Christianity, which was surprisingly lovely. Fell asleep during Angels and Demons, which was unsurprisingly dull.
* Tonight: chicken! Ikea! Netflix!
March 25, 2010 @ 2:06 pm
I’ve featured the roll and tumble pieces on my design blog, but I like more nurturing stuff for the kitchen (though I do like the you are all I need) piece. There are some nice things on the Buy Olympia site. Also, I love this:
March 25, 2010 @ 2:48 pm
here’s one more i love (it comes in different colors….but seriously, the wooden pants hangar…perfect)
I think I have one more for you. gotta go look for it. will be back. don’t go anywhere.
March 25, 2010 @ 2:51 pm
ok, last one, I promise. A variation on the Keep Calm and Carry On poster, made just for you. http://www.20×
March 25, 2010 @ 5:52 pm
and these:
March 25, 2010 @ 10:33 pm
CHEERS FOR NETFLIX! can you believe i’ve never stepped into an Ikea?! there is never one near me. (boo!)
paperbackswap sounds genius!!!
March 26, 2010 @ 11:28 am
I store my cookbooks on the internet. Seriously, just yesterday, I was thinking about how strange it was that I only own two actual cookbooks. So I can’t really help you there.
I cannot wait to hear about your ikea adventures. That store always scares me a little, but I love it anyway.
March 26, 2010 @ 1:09 pm
TELL ME ABOUT IT! Although when I see him I can’t help but think “shushan” because that’s how he said Susan’s name when he was on that Brook Shields show Suddenly Susan. I’m SO GLAD we finally know where he’s from and how it is that he never ages. I’m super confused though, because Man In Black is the one who “loosed his chains” so to speak, which is all Christ-like and good, but can Jacob really NOT be the good guy? And the illustration with the cork makes me think that the bomb “uncorked” whatever was in the bottle and that whatever it is that got out is what’s responsible for the alternate timeline, where seemingly, the Losties’ lives are better. MY MIND!
Our closest Ikeas are in NC and GA, which adds to my distress.
My cookbooks are in a drawer and strewn about on the kitchen counter.
Lastly and totally out of order, I hope you get the poster that says Love Nest and the one about robot zombies.
April 20, 2010 @ 1:52 pm
(This is a late response. I’m catching up on old posts over a cup of coffee.) Are you still looking for graphic posters? Check out http://www.20× You can search by price, color, category, etc. It’s fun.