Tom says: “Obviously.”
Meg made me take a Myers-Briggs this morning, which was not only sort of fun but also more difficult to cheat on than, say, a Cosmo sex quiz. I came up as an INFJ, with a:
- slightly expressed introverted personality
- distinctively expressed intuitive personality
- distinctively expressed feeling personality
- very expressed judging personality
VERY EXPRESSED JUDGING PERSONALITY, PEOPLE. I’m actually sort of startled by how accurate that thing was. Go take it and let me know what you are!
March 15, 2011 @ 2:34 am
Sorry for the internet yelling. I just love it. Especially since I get different responses every time I take it. Except for the F. I’m always always an F. It makes me feel (get it? FEEL for FEELING?) (oh dear I’m punchy tonight) all mysterious. Just try to nail me down, you Myers-Briggs people. You never will.
p.s. This time, I got ESFP. So basically, the opposite of you. Except for the feelings part.
March 15, 2011 @ 2:32 pm
I’m an ISFJ. Slightly expressed introvert, moderately expressed sensing personality, slightly expressed feeling personality, distinctively expressed judging personality.
Distinctively judge-y? Yup.