As Promised.

Okay, I think I mentioned on this blog awhile back that I was worried I didn’t like homemade soup. BOY WAS I WRONG. More accurately, I don’t like crap homemade soup that serves only as a vehicle for dunking grilled cheese sandwiches, but that problem is now solved because, ladies and gentlemen, I have found the only soup recipe you or I will ever need.

Summer’s Broccoli-Cheese Soup for the Panera-Deprived is nothing short of a work of art, creamy and vegetable-y and so delicious you will be positively licking the bowl. Or eating an entire pot yourself over the course of a weekend. Whatever.

The only real change I made was swapping out the half-and-half for 1% milk, which is what we had, and it worked just fine. I did, however, cube and toast an everything bagel for crouton purposes, and I can enthusiastically recommend that particular addition (the everything bagel: the best of all bagel worlds? Discuss).

Summer, you are a genius. Thanks so much.