five good things

1.  I saw Hanson last weekend! They were nerdy and great. When Taylor came onstage I heard myself say, “Hi, idiot,” really softly without even meaning to and it made me feel very happy and like I was home.

2. The Bullet Journal, which obviously I was always going to love. I can’t believe it took me this long to figure it out. I don’t know if it’s actually making me more productive or it just feels that way, but it kind of doesn’t matter.

3. Where’d You Go, Bernadette, which is maybe my favorite book I’ve read all year. I cried all the way through the last fifty pages.

4. It felt like I was about to fly off the face of the planet so on Sunday I did a hard reset, cleared my calendar and put on my fitbit, made rules for bedtime and getting up and planned all my dinners through the week. A couple of weeks ago in Austin I had brunch with a friend who is also a therapist and she said, “When you feel overwhelmed the first thing you stop doing is the stuff you need to do to not be overwhelmed, and it’s important not to let go of those things.” I thought that was very good and very obvious/not-obvious advice.

5. MOST IMPORTANTLY OH MY GOD: I finally bought kitchen chairs like a damn adult.


PS: are you hanging out with me on tumblr? Tumblr is like all good things all the time.