five good things

1. As you might have noticed this morning (or maybe not if you’re viewing this on a feed) like three years after I said I was going to take care of it my new website is live and no longer looks like radioactive garbage! My dear friend Dan who I have known since college is the one who did it for me, and he is awesome and amazing to work with and also, I believe, taking on new clients, JUST SAYING. Email me for details, which you can now do USING THAT HANDY LINK ON THE SIDEBAR.

2. Speaking of things that are new and awesome, 99 Days has a book trailer, and it is GORGEOUS. I hadn’t thought about this book as being super sexy, but then I saw this trailer and I thought about it some more, and I will level with you: 99 DAYS is sexy as hell. It’s cool when other people’s work helps you see your own work in a new light. Especially if that light is Johnny Castle’s paper lantern of lust. Anyway: thank you HarperCollins and Epic Reads and USA Today for all being so awesome about it.

3. The 99% Invisible podcast, which I discovered this week via the internet and am really enjoying. I like entertainment where you also learn things, which is why Sesame Street for adults will be a thing when someone finally gives me my own television network.

4. Are you all watching Bloodline? I am watching Bloodline because I am insatiable TV monster, but I can’t decide if I like it or not so probably you should come talk to me on the twitter machine and help me figure it out. I DO like that it’s set in South Florida though, which gives me a lot of warm HOW TO LOVE fuzzies. I like to watch the background shots and see if Sawyer and Reena are there.

5. Barring nuclear disaster (please God don’t let there be a nuclear disaster), I am closing on a house this morning. Whaaaaaat.

I don’t even know. Happy weekend. It’s all happening.

Also, hey hey hey, the winners of the HOW TO LOVE paperback giveaway are @poisonforsenses, @paper_daydreams, and @mzannn. Shoot me an email with your address to claim your prize!