Five Good Things: Comfy Cozy Edition


1. November nights spent sitting on the couch eating chicken salad sandwiches on toast and watching Benjamin Button (sort of lovely for the first hour and a half, and sort of yucky after that. Also, am I wrong or is there absolutely nothing compelling about Brad Pitt the moment he ceases to be foxy?). Bonus points for knitting scarves and tucking your cold little feet in someone else’s lap.

2. Culinary endeavors big and small: black bean and sweet potato quesadillas (pretty tasty, and the leftover filling was completely smashing the next day when I cooked it up with some spicy sausage and put it over bowties) and pumpkin-pear crumble (hmm, there was texture weirdness, but it was hands-down the best crumble topping I’ve ever made, Ina’s included).

3. The OnPoint Friday News Round Table on BUR. I look forward to it every single week. A civilized, shout-free discussion about current events? On talk radio? Imagine that.

4. Spending today–a gray, rainy, frosty Saturday–cleaning the apartment, reading all the December issues stacked on the hutch, and making some Thanksgiving shopping lists. Tell me: what is everybody’s favorite kind of stuffing? I’ve done cornbread and sausage the last couple of years, but I’m thinking it’s time for a change.

5. Coffee. Lots of coffee.