Five Good Things: Pants on the Ground Edition

1. We have reached the portion of our program where I start listening to a whole lot of Dave Matthews in order to avoid falling into a bottomless grey pit of sloppy winter despair. Hard to feel blue when you’re tromping down the street in your snowboots, rocking out to Listener Supported. Also, in a related story: the other night while cleaning out the fridge Tom made up a new song to the tune of  “Don’t Drink the Water” called “Don’t Eat the Roast Beef.” I may have peed my pants a little.

2. American Idol. I’ve probably told you before how much I love this show–the music and the joy and the fact that it starts every year in frigid January darkness and rushes full steam ahead until my birthday in May. Carrie Underwood. The golden tickets. That kid with the two broken arms. The distinctly American quality of the (supposedly democratic but possibly rigged) process. Simon Cowell’s  gross chest hair. The bridge jumper from Tennessee. Michael Jackson night. Everything about Kara Dioguardi.

3. My dad sent me the hugest, loveliest bouquet of tea roses yesterday, all pinks and oranges and yellows. Thanks, Dad! You’re a peach. (Pictures to come.)

4.  I did not turn the oven on once this whole week. It wasn’t on purpose or anything–things just kind of shook out that way. And you know what? I kind of liked it. I could get used to this whole “takeout and restaurants” thing.

5. We have houseguests this weekend! Woot.