Five Good Things: Pie of Love Edition

1. Jennie sent me this picture of hot pink cake in my email this morning. My friends are the coolest.

2. WHAT UP, YUPPIE GROCERY STORE AT BROADWAY AND I STREET. American Provisions, you appeared this week like a beacon in the dark December night of nail salons and questionable pizza joints. I look forward to perusing your artisan cheese case and no longer waiting on line for my convenience-store coffee behind men who are purchasing a six pack of Bud Light and a tin of Skoal at seven o’clock in the morning.

3. Laura’s fun, brainy theater website, The Craptacular. Go for the shirtless men! Stay for the culture.

4. This weekend: shopping, baking, elving, merrymaking. Am feeling rather festive, myself. There might even be eggnog involved.

5. “This is Peter McCallister, the father. I’d like a hotel room, please. With an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key.”