Five Good Things: Rainy Season Edition

1. Marissa is here! And she is staying! And it takes me 12 minutes exactly to walk to her apartment, and her closet is as big as my guest bedroom, and her kitchen has space to do cartwheels and bake enormous cakes. We’re going to cook our faces off and do Martha Stewart crafts and go to yoga and drive around in her Cube. I am so lucky to have her back.

2. I was concerned about the overall quality of my Friday morning, so I stopped for a rosemary-olive oil bagel to give it a helping hand. I am happy to report that things improved markedly from there. Behold the mood-elevating power of simple carbohydrates.

3. This Is Where I Leave You, recced by one Miss A. Becker, is hilarious and heartbreaking and flying right by. It’s the kind of book that makes you snort-laugh on public transportation, and that is my kind of book.

4. Everything about Dunkin’ Donuts. Seriously. The ubiquity of Dunkin’ Donuts is, hands down, the best thing about living in Massachusetts, and I don’t think the amount of time I spend either inside or holding a product from this iconic New England purveyor of caffeinated beverages is adequately reflected on this blog. I fully believe that in Heaven there is a newly remodeled Dunkin’ Donuts Palace on every corner, and you think to yourself, man, I’d really like a delicious iced coffee, and one just appears in your hand, and that is how you know you’ve lived a life worthy of eternal reward.

5. Tomorrow I’m going to Salem with H and then to see The Laramie Project with the book club girls. Sunday I am going to eat pesto and hibernate. Happy, happy.