Five Good Things: Run This Town Edition


1. Being home, finally, for more than a couple of days at a stretch. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks feeling completely disconnected from my life, and I’m excited to spend some time with her. For the weekend: a trip to Crane Beach, Shakespeare on the Common, and (finally, finally, by the skin of our teeth before it closes) the Shepherd Fairey show at the ICA.

2. A boyfriend who will pick you up at the airport, listen to your familial histrionics, then sit in bed and watch TV at a low volume when you pass out at ten o’clock. Also who did the grocery shopping while you were gone. 

3. That episode of Saved by the Bell where Slater randomly has a sister who comes to visit and Zack likes her and they have a sock hop and sing “Come Go With Me”. You know which one I mean? That is like my favorite 22 minutes of television of all time, ever. 

4. Getting up early and completing a small project well. 

5. Gratuitous hip hop jam of the week! [youtube=]