Five Good Things: Yucky Love Edition

001. I’m going to New York tonight! I’m going to love on my sister and brunch with my best girls and laugh my ass off at Dear John and drink large quantities of Jaques Torres hot chocolate without one ounce of guilt and wear a pair of fierce high heels all over the effing place, snow be damned. PLUS Tom is going to meet me down there on Sunday for romantic Valentine’s-type festivities. AND I have the first Harry Potter loaded onto my phone for the bus ride. I have never read any of the Harrys, can you imagine?

002. Speaking of Tom, he got a new car this week and it is HUGE inside and looks like a spaceship. Am a fan of riding shotgun and messing with the radio presets. Also speaking of Tom, last night he out of the blue referenced something I said on this blog like two weeks ago, and I almost fell out of my chair: I had no idea he was reading it. Which, by the way, is classic Tom-style.  So…hello, sir. It’s nice to have you aboard.

003. I went into Marshall’s last night in search of a pair of nude fishnet hose (done and done–thank you, Jessica Simpson, I’m sorry John Mayer said those crass things about your sexual proclivities, and I’m sorry I laughed so hard when I read about them on the Huffington Post) and walked out fifteen minutes later with three new tops. Impulse buys for sure, but rather fantastic ones, if I do say so myself.

004. IT IS OLYMPICS DAY. And that’s all I have to say about that. Except: the degree to which I love pairs figure skating is only one more reason on the long list of reasons I will never be cool.

005. I may or may not be eating cereal and watching Arrested Development on Hulu.

Happy long weekend. Find somebody and smooch ’em.