Lesson Plan: Week Four Already!


Jeez. I feel like real school never flew by this fast.

Let’s go!

Literature: Oscar Wao didn’t happen last week, although Blindness is officially conquered and I did fly through Richard Russo’s new book (in case you were wondering: it was a giant snooze. But I still love him). This week: Kavalier and Clay. More on that tomorrow. 

Writing: I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS STORY IF IT MAKES ME DIE. I’ve been tinkering with it for toooooo long, including for three tortured hours this morning during which I drank an entire pot of coffee and peed about a thousand times. I want it to be send-out-able by the end of the week. 

Management: This is a new elective, the objective of which is the opening of a (dun dun dun) small online business. Students will be expected unveil said business at the beginning of November. Timeline, cost projection, and business plan due by the end of the week. 


Ok. Gotta go do my homework. 

How was everybody’s weekend?