Strawberry Crumble


I wanted Martha’s Strawberry Shortcake Cookies to be amazing. I wanted them to be gorgeous and crumbly and sweet. 


Instead, they were…not good. 

I don’t know what happened! I followed the recipe exactly, and maybe it’s just a bad recipe, but they were too soft and smushy and spongy, more like a muffin than a cookie. And there’s something vaguely bitter about the taste of cooked strawberry that I don’t like. I fed them to a bunch of different people, some of whom were more enthusiastic than others, but the bottom line is these are NOT a make-again. 

The recipe doesn’t show up on Martha’s website–it’s in the June issue, so maybe it’s too new–but it’s not worth retyping, either. I just wanted to share the fail. 

They are pretty, though. 

Tell me what you’ve made and hated.