Tried and True
After yesterday’s strawberry disaster (MORE THAN HALF A BATCH OF COOKIES IN THE GARBAGE, THANKS FOR NOTHING MARTHA), I was in the mood to make something I knew would turn out right. Luckily, Tom bought and forgot to eat a six pack of french rolls. What what.
Shamelessly gakked from Summer Picnic (except for the photo, which I got from the good people at Kraft because mine was–shocker–badly lit), I give you: Chocolate Bread Pudding.
Guys. This is my favorite dessert. Seriously. The taste is fantastic–the cinnamon gives it just a little bit of a kick–and the texture is so smooth and comforting. PLUS it uses up bread that is on the stale-ish side. Add some vanilla ice cream, and oh man it is the best day.
Recipe is here. Make sure you tell J how awesome she is.
And tell Martha we are ON A BREAK.
May 14, 2009 @ 2:17 pm
I’m so glad you liked it! I have no less than 4 chocolate bread pudding recipes in heavy rotation, so let me know if you need a variation. Also, an Ideal Bite eco-friendly email tip today lists other ideas for stale bread: panzanella salad, homemade croutons, and French toast.
May 14, 2009 @ 6:21 pm
Ohmygosh, I am on a plane…right now…to come and nosh with you!
Do you ever watch that show, Whatever Martha!, where Alexis and her friend make fun of Martha? My daughter and I watched it last night and totally cracked up. Our stuff NEVER looks like hers! And yet, we continue to try.
Bought my camera last week! Did you buy yours?
Have fun!
May 14, 2009 @ 6:41 pm
Martha and I are always on a break 😉
Shredded « Kitchen Door
May 20, 2009 @ 12:35 am
[…] TWO sports bras. And there are few greater pleasures in this world than sitting on the couch eating chocolate bread pudding and listening to her yell, “WHY ARE YOU FAT?” at the top of her lungs on The Biggest […]