Tried and True

After yesterday’s strawberry disaster (MORE THAN HALF A BATCH OF COOKIES IN THE GARBAGE, THANKS FOR NOTHING MARTHA), I was in the mood to make something I knew would turn out right. Luckily, Tom bought and forgot to eat a six pack of french rolls. What what.

Shamelessly gakked from Summer Picnic (except for the photo, which I got from the good people at Kraft because mine was–shocker–badly lit),  I give you: Chocolate Bread Pudding. 


Guys. This is my favorite dessert. Seriously. The taste is fantastic–the cinnamon gives it just a little bit of a kick–and the texture is so smooth and comforting. PLUS it uses up bread that is on the stale-ish side. Add some vanilla ice cream, and oh man it is the best day.

Recipe is here. Make sure you tell J how awesome she is. 

And tell Martha we are ON A BREAK.