wishes, listed.

Did I talk about this last year? I feel like I must have, I love it so. Oh well. Worth talking about again.

I have these three amazing, far-flung lady friends from college. We used to be neighbors and now we are not. We used to see each other a LARGE AMOUNT and now we see each other a little amount. You know how it is. A lot of things are different, but one thing that has NOT changed is our holiday wish list game.

You guys, this is such a bitchin’ tradition that I would really like to be able to take credit for making it up, but I actually read it online someplace while I was killing time before class my junior (senior?) year. It’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday season, and the way it works is this:

01. Find friends to play. I think it works rather nicely with four people, but I also think it would work rather nicely with four hundred. Depends how popular you are, I reckon.

02. The week after Thanksgiving, everybody writes down ten things they would really, really like this holiday season. Now, to be clear, the point is not to ask for a Cartier a KitchenAid or a BMW. No, the things on this list should be little–and close to free(ish), for the most part.  I want dinner recipes.  Jennie wants the new Oprah. Sierra wants Jennie and Marissa to start watching Lost, and I want Sierra to start a blog of her own. Marissa wants a manicure and the chance to wear a party dress. We all want mix cds. The point here is small and doable and awesome.

03. Swap lists.

04. Grant wishes.

05. Be happy.

Best game ever, right? I thought so.

Here’s hoping you get everything on your list this year, including a happy, happy, happy weekend.