You have to eat oatmeal or you’ll dry up. Everybody knows that.

(name that book)

Meanwhile, OTHER FACTS:

1. I got some New Yorkers out of the library and I think I am already smarter. No, really. Ask me something a smart person would know.

2. Canned beets are to roasted beets as Sarah Palin is to Michelle Obama.

3.  I almost cancelled our Valentine’s Day dinner reservation last night because Jackie told me she was almost sure that the first boy I ever kissed (spoiler alert: NOT TOM) was a waiter at the Trendy Restaurant I picked, and just THINKING about that encounter made me want to die, because apparently even though we are All Adults Here and I have been kissing people for ten years now, in my heart I am fourteen years of age. Can you imagine? I walk into this fancy restaurant on VALENTINE’S DAY of all the days and oh hey, how you doing, it was really cool of you to like me back in the 00’s even though I was a wretch and wore Steve Madden platform wedges all the time. ANYWAY, crisis averted, reservations kept, no need to panic. Phew.

4. I put six valentines in the mail today! You all know who  you are. But hey, everybody else…I love you too! I just ran out of stamps.

5. There is PW meatloaf (and SK homemade oreos, if I can somehow make them Island-themed. Dharma oreos? John Locke cookies, because they’re one thing on the outside and something else on the inside? Sawyer cookies, because they are attractive and desirable? NEVER MIND. I WILL MAKE IT WORK) in my immediate future. Stay tuned.

Life is so incredibly good sometimes.